Long Play In Brief

Long Play is a digital publication of longform journalism. A Long Play story can be anything from investigative feature to personal essay, as long as it meets our high standards.

Most of our stories are in Finnish only, but you can read The Vanishing in English – as an Amazon Kindle Single. In Swedish, we have Jeanette Björkqvist's Din rädsla är objektivt sett inte befogad and Skuggfolk. We have also translated stories and swapped content with our Danish friends at Zetland and collaborated with The Correspondent and their network of European journalists.

Long Play was launched by eight Finnish freelance journalists in January 2013. It was an experiment that aimed at creating a reader-funded publishing model for serious, high-quality journalism. At the time we got a bit of international fame for our measly start-up tab of 500 euros.

Our philosophy: the important questions in life rarely have simple answers. If we are to really understand today's big issues – climate change, the ethics of health and technology, terrorism, racism – we need journalists that spend a great deal of time working on their stories. Also needed: financially independent, ethical publishers.

Our site is free of ads and sponsored content. Most of our revenue comes directly from readers. We take pride in our smart, curious and diverse community of readers.

Ilkka Karisto, editor-in-chief: ilkka@longplay.fi
Anu Silfverberg, assistant editor: anu@longplay.fi